Our passion for excellence in Lawn Care Servicing
has given us a reputation we're proud of!
Clients are called in advance and notified when an applicator will be at their property to perform a service. While there, he will look over your landscape and make notes of any items in need of further attention or details. He will leave you a note with his recommendations or will have Christi, in our office,
give you a call to discuss treatment options.
We encourage you to speak to us about weed control, pre-emergents, and other means of keeping your turf
happy, healthy, and flourishing!
Got Brown Spots???
It is common for Kentucky Blue Grass lawns to develop patches of brown areas during hot summer months when our air temperatures start climbing to 80+ degrees. These brown patches are frequently the result of a common lawn leaf blight called ASCOCHYTA. Ascochyta plagues Kentucky Blue Grass when the temperature of the soil is not regulated.
The best way to combat the leaf blight of Ascochyta is to regulate your turf soil temperature by adding a mid afternoon watering cycle to your watering regimen. On days when the temperature is expected to reach 80+ degrees, we encourage you to water for a period of time where the water can soak in to a depth of 3 inches. Adherence to this change in watering practices, during our hot summer months, can go a long way in helping your Kentucky Blue Grass to overcome Ascochyta infiltrations.
You can click on this link to read more about Ascochyta...or call Christi at 970-223-4772 if you have further questions and desire to chat!
Aeration: Yearly Aerating your lawn can improve soil drainage by reducing soil compaction and allowing water and nutrients to better penetrate your soil. For those with super compact soils you might consider a spring and fall aeration.
Watering: Deep and infrequent watering is essential for strong plant health and development. We encourage watering each area of your lawn for 30-45 minutes per zone 2 to 4 times per week...depending on wind, rain, temperature, and soil conditions. During hot summer months when the temperatures soar to the high 80's, we recommend adding a late afternoon quick water (15-20 minutes per zone) to cool down the temperature of your soil and fight off Ascochyta infestations. Kentucky Blue Grass lawns like to have cooler soil temperatures.
Mowing: We recommend keeping your lawn mowed to a height of 2 ½ to 3 ½ inches high. During the hot summer months it is best to keep your grass at the longer height, and even mowed up to 4 inches.
Best Lawn Care Practices Recommendations