Winter Watering
Drought conditions stress our landscapes and make it challenging for shrubs, trees, and lawns to survive pest and disease infestation. Therefore, we ALWAYS encourage you to drag out your hoses and water your trees, lawn, and shrubs during dry and windy winter months, on days when the temperature is above 50 degrees.
Why is this important? Because during winter months, trees and shrubs are storing up the nutrients they will need for the next growing season. If there is no moisture present in the soil, it makes it hard for the roots to take up the water they need to create these vital nutrients.
*All deciduous trees will benefit from a deep root soaking around their drip lines...the circle that equals the diameter of your tree's canopy.
*Evergreens take up a high percentage of their moisture through their needles, and benefit greatly from a bathing of the needles
*Don't forget your lawn! A quick hosing down on warm winter days will go a long way in stimulating root growth.
Early spring is the peak period for Honey Bee Swarms. For those people that live in the areas of Fort Collins, Loveland, Berthoud, and Greeley you can contact the Northern Colorado Beekeepers Association Swarm Hotline at 970-658-4949 to collect swarms.
Fireblight in Pome Fruits and Mountain Ash Trees
Fire Blight is a bacterial disease that spreads rapidly during rainy, windy, and warm spring seasons as trees are producing their flower blossoms.
This Bacterial Disease presents as dead leaves and fruit on the ends of dead or crooked branches. Branch die back and plant death can ultimately result.
While Fire Blight is extremely difficult to treat, you can take steps to prevent the further spread of this disease by keeping all dead and dropped leaves, branches, twigs, or fruit off of the ground. Having your trees antiseptically pruned of infected branches during the winter months when trees are dormant, and by establishing healthy tree care practices such as winter watering programs. Winter watering is especially important for the ability of your trees to fight off pests and disease, as the winter months are when trees store up the nutrients they will need for the next year's growing season. Trees need water to store up nutrients.
You can read more about Fire Blight by clicking on this link.
To speak with Christi please call or text 970-223-4772
The IPS Beetle and Pine Wilt Nematode are spreading in rapid and deadly fashion throughout Northern Colorado and Southern Wyoming. These deadly and damaging pests are attacking pine needled trees in our communities. Because of their deadly unpredictable pattern of attack...we are encouraging ALL CUSTOMERS with High Value Pine Trees to consider implementing a 2 year injection program.
To read more about the devastating effects of IPS BEETLE and the PINE WILT NEMATODE, and our suggested treatment options, please click on the links below.
Christi is always available to chat with you by calling or texting at 970-223-4772.
Got Crabgrass???
We always receive lots of questions in regards to Crabgrass in lawns. The truth? Most people have Orchard Grass NOT Crabgrass!!!
To read more about about Crabgrass and how to discern between Orchard Grass...visit this page.
The most important facet to combatting any noxious weed or disease in landscapes is proper watering techniques and regular fertilizer programs. To get information of our Fertilizer with Weed Control Programs please contact Christi by calling 970-223-4772.
Brown Spots in Lawns
Every year when the weather begins to heat up and daytime temperatures reach 75+ degrees we get calls about brown or dead spots in lawns.These brown patches are frequently the result of a common lawn leaf blight called ASCOCHYTA. Ascochyta plagues Kentucky Blue Grass when the temperature of the soil is not regulated.
The best way to combat the leaf blight of Ascochyta is to regulate your turf soil temperature by adding a mid afternoon watering cycle to your watering regimen. On days when the temperature is expected to reach 80+ degrees, we encourage you to water for a period of time where the water can soak in to a depth of 3 inches. Adherence to this change in watering practices, during our hot summer months, can go a long way in helping your Kentucky Blue Grass to overcome Ascochyta infiltrations.
You can click on this link to read more about Ascochyta...or call Christi at 970-223-4772 if you have further questions and desire to chat!
Plant Health Care Considerations
Trunk Injections for Ash Trees and EAB
EAB continues to be in the forefront of everyone's mind as the Emerald Ash Borer has officially breached the Boulder County quarantine area, with official reports of EAB in Berthoud and Broomfield.
Because of the challenge in erradicating this harful pest, we continue to encourage all our clients with high value Ash trees to implement preventative treatment protocols. Our treatment of choice is the 2 year trunk injection program. Our Ash tree trunk injections provide 2 years of protection against the deadly EAB, the Ash Bark Beetle, and the Lilac Ash Borer (which attacks Ash trees and is extremely prevalent along the Front Range. Killing Ash trees one branch at a time.)
You can read about our Ash Injection program by clicking on this link.
Deep Root Feedings for Trees and Shrubs
Just like your lawn, your trees and shrubs can benefit from a regular feeding program. Because of the clay soil structure here in Northern Colorado, it is difficult for trees and shrubs to have access to the nutrients they need to maintain their health and well being.
Our deep root feeding program incorporates a special formulation of fertilizer as well as a soil ammendment, which helps to release nutrients in the soil, and make them more available for root uptake.
We recommend scheduling spring and fall deep root feedings for your trees and shrubs. And for those of you with Maple trees, we wish to encourage you to enlist in an every other year fall iron injection. You can read about specific recommendations for Maple trees by clicking on this link.
Pine Tree Care
We continue to see an uptick in trees killed by the Pine Wilt Nematode...and unfortunately, the only way to protectect your trees from this deadly pest, is through preventative tree injections. The good news about tree injections in pine the injection not only provides 2 years of protection against the Pine Wilt Nematode, but it also protects agains the deadly Pine Beetle, and IPS Beetles.To consider implementing a 2 year tree injection program on your high value Pine Trees, please visit this link to read about the Pine Wilt Nematode.
As always, our goal is to provide you with a high quality service. Stan and Christi are hands on business owners with more than 40 years in the landscape care industry. Please take some time to peruse our website and learn about all the services we provide for your lawn and trees.
Don't see a service you are interested in? Then please ask!!! You can reach Christi at 970-223-4772 or email at
Got Brown Spots???
It is common for Kentucky Blue Grass lawns to develop patches of brown areas during hot summer months when our air temperatures start climbing to 80+ degrees. These brown patches are frequently the result of a common lawn leaf blight called ASCOCHYTA. Ascochyta plagues Kentucky Blue Grass when the temperature of the soil is not regulated.
The best way to combat the leaf blight of Ascochyta is to regulate your turf soil temperature by adding a mid afternoon watering cycle to your watering regimen. On days when the temperature is expected to reach 80+ degrees, we encourage you to water for a period of time where the water can soak in to a depth of 3 inches. Adherence to this change in watering practices, during our hot summer months, can go a long way in helping your Kentucky Blue Grass to overcome Ascochyta infiltrations.
You can click on this link to read more about Ascochyta...or call Christi at 970-223-4772 if you have further questions and desire to chat!
WATERING continues to be the #1 factor
in caring for your Landscape. Healthy, well watered trees, lawns, & shrubs are better able to withstand adverse weather events, disease, and insects. Trees and shrubs require 2-4X’s the amount of water as lawns. Water is important in helping trees to uptake nutrients. The feeder roots of trees extend out as far as the tree’s canopy and are about 18 inches below the surface. Deep watering in the zone of the feeder roots a couple times a month is a good practice. Kentucky Bluegrass Lawns benefit from a late afternoon (5-6pm) cooling down when temperatures soar above 80 degrees during summer months. Don’t be fooled by recent snow storms (2020 precipitation levels were 76% of normal, 2021 were 89% of normal)…set your intentions
for providing your landscape with adequate amounts of water throughout the 2022 growing season.